About ADKV
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) is the umbrella organization for non-profit, member-based art associations, also known as Kunstvereine, and is dedicated to the presentation and promotion of contemporary art.
ADKV serves as the intermediary between art, politics, media and Kunstvereine. Its work concerns itself in particular with the cultural-political significance of the Kunstverein as an over 200-year old institutional form that is founded on civic engagement.
ADKV unites Kunstvereine within a valuable cultural-political network and represents their interests in various political committees, vis-a-vis funding bodies, online, and at international art fairs, such as ART COLOGNE.
Founded in 1980, ADKV member network boasts nearly 300 Kunstvereine with over 100,000 active members. ADKV provides not only a valuable network of partners as well as various educational, exchange and cooperation opportunities; it offers quality support stemming from over 40 years experience as a representative arts organization.
Former chairpersons of the ADKV
Wulf Herzogenrath, Kölnischer Kunstverein (1980 – 1988)
Andreas Vowinkel, Badischer Kunstverein Karlsruhe (1988 – 1995)
Heiner Schepers, Kunstverein Lingen (1995 – 2003)
Leonie Baumann, nGbK Berlin (2003 – 2009)
Johan Holten, Heidelberger Kunstverein (2009 – 2011)
René Zechlin, Kunstverein Hannover (2011 – 2014)
Meike Behm, Kunstverein Lingen (2014 – today)
Former managing-directors:
Carina Herring (2007-2010)
Inga Oppenhausen (2010-2015)
Daniela Dietsche (2015-today)