

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) sees itself primarily as a network and mouthpiece for its members. It advocates for Kunstvereine at the international and German federal level, advises its members and moderates regional networking events. We also initiate and implement projects and programs in which member associations can participate. ADKV also organizes a prize for Kunstvereine and one for art criticism in conjunction with Art Cologne.

ADKV has also been an active promoter of art education for many years and consistently offers education and exchange opportunities for Kunstvereine and art mediators within the framework of projects and one-off events. We support Kunstvereine in the professionalization of their work, communicate Kunstverein ideas to the public and support the further development and networking of individual associations. For a number of years, we have been working to increase attention to associations in rural regions, where more and more innovative curatorial formats are being realized.