Auntie Mechthild’s Red Thread (Some Thoughts She Told Me) part 2
Krauth, Moritz
Krauth, Moritz
Einzelnes Bild

Moritz Krauth, Auntie Mechthild’s Red Thread (Some Thoughts She Told Me) part 2, 2023, Oil pastel on cardboard, 101x81 cm, Unique piece , signed
Fred Dott
In his works, Moritz Krauth analyses and discusses the classic nuclear family as the quintessence of human society and socialization. Using photography, digital collage, film and now also drawing, he traces familial conditions and dynamics. The protagonists are sometimes real family members in fictional roles, sometimes imagined or longed-for people and, especially in his drawings, mythological creatures such as chimeras and winged horses. The resulting family portraits full of hidden allusions unfold in allegorical visual worlds.