
Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) unveils new website

Berlin, March 1st, 2017. The website of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) is presenting itself with a new face. With a contemporary design, optimized structure, mobile interface and further functions the ADKV website can now more effectively inform about the umbrella organization and the activities of its nearly 300 members – now for the first time also available in English. It will permit better integration between social networks and information from individual Kunstvereine. The website was sponsored by the Federal Commissioner for Culture and Media, Minister of State Monika Grütters.

Each member of ADKV has their own profile page on which a text about each Kunstverein, pictures and further information like opening times, links to social media, contact info and lots more can be displayed. A map shows the exact location of each Kunstverein and allows the user to search by region to find further Kunstvereine.

On the home page a different “Kunstverein of the day” will be introduced at random, as well as current Artist Editions or publications. A databank of the coveted Artist Editions and Kunstverein publications will be made available to collectors and art enthusiasts.

Artist Editions are editions from artists that are connected to the Kunstvereine and in most cases have been exhibited by them. Members of the Kunstvereine can thus acquire high quality art at favorable prices and will thereby be rewarded for their engagement. Apart from their work exhibiting art, Kunstvereine also promote and communicate contemporary art and the associated discourses through publishing exhibition catalogs and publications. These appear in cooperation with publishers, but also as in-house productions most often in limited editions. Artist Editions and publications can both be placed into the data bank by members, which will fill up over time. 

The new website still offers the menu option “Announcements” where vacancies in Kunstvereine can be found. There is information about the institution of the “Kunstverein”, the history of Kunstvereine, and also the activities of ADKV, for instance the awarding of the ADKV- Art Cologne Prize for Kunstvereine and for Art Criticism.

New to our website is that all of this information is now also available in English in order to support the growing international networking of ADKV.

The website adjusts the browser size, with a mobile version of the website for the very first time and our own distinct ADKV font.

As of now all information can be found at

The website was designed and implemented by Studio Knoth & Renner. Christoph Knoth and Konrad Renner work in the field of digital culture, among others for the Kunsthalle Zürich, the artist Simon Denny and Leipziger Publishing Spector Books. As of April 2017 they are Professors for Digital Graphics at HFBK Hamburg.

Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine (ADKV) is the umbrella organization for non-profit, member-based art associations, also known as Kunstvereine, and is dedicated to the presentation and promotion of contemporary art. Founded in 1980, ADKV member network boasts nearly 300 Kunstvereine with over 100,000 active members. ADKV provides not only a valuable network of partners as well as various educational, exchange and cooperation opportunities; it offers quality support stemming from over 35 years experience as a representative arts organization.

Contact: Daniela Dietsche, Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher Kunstvereine, dietsche [at]